A collection of stand-alone comics made in and around my Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.
"In Around The Neighborhood, Scheer reflects on the minutia of life in Seattle, a city she simply decided to move to apropos of nothing. She didn't know anyone there, relying instead on her intuition that this would be a good place to go. As she notes in the introduction, "place" is exactly what she was going for: a city that had a strong sense of place that she could adapt to and eventually feel a sense of belonging."
-Rob Clough
“This is remarkably relatable stuff, whether we’re talking about hitching a ride in a hearse through Yosemite Valley or an amusingly paranoid boardwalk stroll, and ably demonstrates that this family has talent to spare. Rachel’s engaging, light-hearted cartooning style is as pitch-perfect for her material as ever here, the simple black-and-white ‘zine presentation is really nice, and I defy anybody to finish this one without a smile slowly creeping across their face.” -Ryan C.’s Four Color Apocalypse
Black and white, 12 page, 8.5 x 7, cardstock cover
Ten historically accurate, illustrated tales of cats who have lived in the White House. Arranged chronologically by president, beginning with Abraham Lincoln ("Dixie" and "Tabby"), ending with George W. Bush ("India").
Black and white, 22 pages, 3.25 x 5.5, card stock cover